Implementing continuous delivery pipelines with GitHub Actions

Date: 2023-08-02

The source code for this lab exercise is available on GitHub.

Continuous integration (CI) is the practice of building software from source and performing unit and integration tests in an automated fashion whenever source code changes are committed to a repository, while continuous deployment (CD) goes a step further by automatically deploying the updated software to a development and/or production environment as long as the latest software passes the entire test suite. They are collectively known as CI/CD, both of which aim to shorten the software development lifecycle, reduce the scope of manual operation and reduce the risk of human error through automation.

CI/CD pipeline

Continuous delivery, on the other hand, is almost identical to continuous deployment with one key difference - the final step of deploying the tested software to a production environment requires manual approval. While this may seem a step back from continuous deployment, it solves the issue that undesired changes to a software product may not always be caught by unit and integration tests by providing a buffer for management to decide whether a particular version of the software should be released to production even if fully functional.

GitHub is the top software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform featuring an integrated version control system (VCS) used by developers all around the world for hosting their software projects and code repositories, large and small, whether for public or private use and is home to many of the world’s largest and most influential open source projects forming the backbone of the modern Internet. Not surprisingly, it offers first-class support for fully customizable CI/CD pipelines and DevOps workflows through GitHub Actions, which supports both fully managed SaaS runners and self-managed custom runners for varying degrees of control over the environment used to execute your automated workflows.

In the lab to follow, we will be setting up an end-to-end DevOps workflow for a Flask microservice with GitHub Actions, using a self-managed custom runner for maximal control over the pipeline execution environment and automating deployments to a local Kubernetes cluster. Furthermore, we will construct separate pipelines for our “development” and “production” environments to further elaborate on the concepts of continuous deployment and delivery.

Lab: Setting up an end-to-end DevOps workflow for a Flask microservice


A basic awareness of DevOps tools and methodologies, Git and Kubernetes is assumed. If not, consider enrolling in the following self-paced online courses offered by The Linux Foundation on edX at no cost:

You’ll also need access to an account on both GitHub and Docker Hub so sign up if you haven’t already done so.

Setting up your environment

You’ll need a Linux environment with at least 2 vCPUs and 4G of RAM. The reference distribution is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, though the lab should work on most other Linux distributions as well with little to no modification.

We’ll generate an SSH key pair and set up the following tools:

Generating an SSH key pair

We’ll need an SSH key pair to push commits to GitHub from our local Git repository so generate one if you haven’t done so already:


Just press Enter a few times to accept the default options.

Installing Docker

Docker (hopefully) needs no introduction - simply install it from the system repositories and add yourself to the docker group:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y
sudo usermod -aG docker "${USER}"

Log out and back in for group membership to take effect.

Installing python3.10-venv

We’ll need the python3.10-venv package to create a Python virtual environment used for developing our Flask microservice, so install it from the system repositories:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y python3.10-venv

Installing kind

kind is a conformant Kubernetes distribution which runs entirely in Docker and is great for development, testing and educational purposes.

Let’s first create a user-specific directory for storing binaries and add it to our PATH so subsequent installation of software will not require sudo:

mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/bin/"
echo "export PATH=\"\$HOME/.local/bin:\$PATH\"" >> "$HOME/.bashrc"
source "$HOME/.bashrc"

Now fetch kind from upstream and make it executable - we’ll be using version 0.20.0:

wget -qO "$HOME/.local/bin/kind"
chmod +x "$HOME/.local/bin/kind"

Installing kubectl

kubectl is the official command-line tool for interacting with Kubernetes clusters.

Let’s fetch kubectl from upstream and make it executable - we’ll be using version 1.27.3:

wget -qO "$HOME/.local/bin/kubectl"
chmod +x "$HOME/.local/bin/kubectl"

You might also find it useful to enable Bash completion for kubectl, which can save you quite a bit of typing:

echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> "$HOME/.bashrc"
source "$HOME/.bashrc"

Care must be taken to match the kubectl (client) version and Kubernetes cluster (server) version - in particular, the client must not fall behind the server by more than 1 minor version. We chose v1.27.3 for our kubectl client since kind v0.20.0 corresponds to Kubernetes version 1.27.3.

Verifying everything is installed correctly

Run the following commands to check the version of each tool we just installed:

docker --version
kind --version
kubectl version --client

Sample output:

Docker version 20.10.21, build 20.10.21-0ubuntu1~22.04.3
kind version 0.20.0
WARNING: This version information is deprecated and will be replaced with the output from kubectl version --short.  Use --output=yaml|json to get the full version.
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"27", GitVersion:"v1.27.3", GitCommit:"25b4e43193bcda6c7328a6d147b1fb73a33f1598", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2023-06-14T09:53:42Z", GoVersion:"go1.20.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Kustomize Version: v5.0.1

You can safely ignore any warnings printed to the console. As long as there are no errors, you should be good to go :-)

Creating the cluster

We’ll need to tweak the default configuration for kind this time, but otherwise creating a Kubernetes cluster with kind is very simple:

cat > actions-kind.yaml << EOF
kind: Cluster
name: actions-kind
  apiServerAddress: ""
  apiServerPort: 6443
kind create cluster --config=actions-kind.yaml

Wait a minute or two for the cluster to become ready. In the meantime, let’s explore some of the options we tweaked:

Now query the status of the cluster:

kubectl get no

Sample output:

NAME                         STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
actions-kind-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   27s   v1.27.3

Once the status appears as “Ready”, you should be good to go :-)

Setting up our repository and GitHub Actions runner

Now let’s log in to GitHub and create a private repository - let’s name it flask-ping-server.

Creating a repository

We’re making our repository private since with a self-managed runner, setting its visibility to public implies that an attacker could fork your repository and use it to run potentially malicious workflows on your runner.

Now let’s set up our runner. Note that this lab has three major components, all of which should be configured separately for production:

For the purposes of this lab, we’ll keep things simple and merge all of these components into the same Linux environment.

So we’ll set up the runner on the same machine running our kind Kubernetes cluster. To do this, find the “Settings” tab near the middle to the top of the page:

Going to the repository Settings tab

Select “Actions > Runners”:

Repository settings - Actions - Runners

Now click on “New self-hosted runner”:

Creating a new self-hosted runner

You should see the instructions for setting up the runner for your repository, including the token used for registration. The (slightly modified) commands are shown below for your convenience, minus the registration token (replace the x‘s with your token and JohnDoe with your GitHub username):

mkdir -p actions-runner/ && pushd actions-runner/
curl -o actions-runner-linux-x64-2.307.1.tar.gz -L
echo "038c9e98b3912c5fd6d0b277f2e4266b2a10accc1ff8ff981b9971a8e76b5441  actions-runner-linux-x64-2.307.1.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c
tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.307.1.tar.gz
export RUNNER_TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
echo "export GH_USERNAME=\"JohnDoe\"" >> "$HOME/.bashrc"
source "$HOME/.bashrc"
./ --url "${GH_USERNAME}/flask-ping-server" --token "${RUNNER_TOKEN}"

Press Enter a few times to accept the defaults and wait for the configuration to complete. You should now see a runner under “Settings > Actions > Runners” with the status “Offline”:

kind runner registered

That’s because we’ve registered the runner but we haven’t actually started it yet. Instead of starting the runner directly, we’ll create a systemd service to run it automatically on systemd startup so the runner can survive across reboots:

cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/github-actions-runner.service
Description=GitHub Actions runner

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sudo -u $USER $HOME/actions-runner/

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now github-actions-runner.service

Check the status of our service:

systemctl status --no-pager --full github-actions-runner.service

Sample output:

● github-actions-runner.service - GitHub Actions runner
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/github-actions-runner.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-08-01 13:28:13 UTC; 7s ago
   Main PID: 7162 (sudo)
      Tasks: 17 (limit: 4557)
     Memory: 36.5M
        CPU: 1.814s
     CGroup: /system.slice/github-actions-runner.service
             ├─7162 /usr/bin/sudo -u dsleung /home/dsleung/actions-runner/
             ├─7163 /bin/bash /home/dsleung/actions-runner/
             ├─7167 /bin/bash /home/dsleung/actions-runner/
             └─7171 /home/dsleung/actions-runner/bin/Runner.Listener run

Aug 01 13:28:13 kind systemd[1]: Started GitHub Actions runner.
Aug 01 13:28:13 kind sudo[7162]:     root : PWD=/home/dsleung/actions-runner ; USER=dsleung ; COMMAND=/home/dsleung/actions-runner/
Aug 01 13:28:13 kind sudo[7162]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user dsleung(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
Aug 01 13:28:15 kind sudo[7171]: √ Connected to GitHub
Aug 01 13:28:16 kind sudo[7171]: Current runner version: '2.307.1'
Aug 01 13:28:16 kind sudo[7171]: 2023-08-01 13:28:16Z: Listening for Jobs

If you see a status of active (running) then you should be good to go :-)

Cloning the repository locally and developing our Flask microservice

Do you want to develop an app? Because that’s precisely what we’re gonna do next ;-)

Do you want to develop an app? (Rick and Morty reference)

(Rick and Morty reference courtesy of Adult Swim)

Our microservice will exhibit the following behavior:

Clone your GitHub repo locally using Git. But before that, we need to add a deploy key to our repository.

Go to “Settings” again:

GitHub repo settings

This time, select “Deploy keys” under “Security”:

Security > Deploy keys

Click “Add deploy key”:

Add deploy key

Fill in a suitable title for your deploy key and paste in the contents of your SSH public key then click “Add key” - ensure the “Allow write access” option is checked:

Paste SSH key

You can view the contents of your public key by running the following command:

cat "$HOME/.ssh/"

Now clone the repository locally using Git - replace johndoe below with your actual GitHub username:

echo "export GH_USERNAME=\"johndoe\"" >> "$HOME/.bashrc"
source "$HOME/.bashrc"
git clone "${GH_USERNAME}/flask-ping-server.git"

Enter the project directory:

pushd flask-ping-server/

Now create a virtual environment for developing our Flask microservice:

python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate

You should see (.venv) prepended to your existing prompt.

Install Flask for developing our microservice and pytest for unit testing:

pip install Flask
pip install pytest

Now write the list of dependencies installed into a file requirements.txt used by pip to reproduce the installation:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Feel free to leave the virtual environment now:


Also fill in our .gitignore file to ensure we only commit and push the necessary files to our GitHub repository:

cat > .gitignore << EOF

Now let’s fill in the code for our microservice including all the necessary unit tests. However, since developing a RESTful microservice with Flask isn’t the main point of this lab, we’ll simply skip through the development process with Bash:

mkdir -p project/ping/
cat > project/ping/ << EOF
from flask import Blueprint

ping_blueprint = Blueprint('ping', __name__, url_prefix='/ping')

from . import routes
cat > project/ping/ << EOF
from . import ping_blueprint
from flask import Response
import json

def pong():
    return Response(json.dumps({ "message": "pong" }), mimetype='application/json')
mkdir -p project/version/
cat > project/version/ << EOF
from flask import Blueprint

version_blueprint = Blueprint('version', __name__, url_prefix='/version')

from . import routes
cat > project/version/ << EOF
from . import version_blueprint
from flask import Response
import json


def get_app_version():
    return Response(json.dumps({ "version": APP_VERSION }), mimetype='application/json')
mkdir -p project/utils/
cat > project/utils/ << EOF
from flask import Flask
from import ping_blueprint
from project.version import version_blueprint

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app
mkdir -p tests/
touch tests/
cat > tests/ << EOF
import pytest
from project.utils import create_app

def app():
    app = create_app()
        "TESTING": True,
    yield app

def client(app):
    return app.test_client()
mkdir -p tests/app/
cat > tests/app/ << EOF
import json

def test_ping(client):
    response = client.get('/ping/')
    assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
    body = json.loads(
    assert 'message' in body
    assert body['message'] == 'pong'

def test_app_version(client):
    response = client.get('/version/')
    assert response.content_type == 'application/json'
    body = json.loads(
    assert 'version' in body
    assert body['version'] == '0.0.1'
cat > << EOF
from project.utils import create_app

app = create_app()

Also fill in our Dockerfile for building the container image for our app:

cat > Dockerfile << EOF
FROM python:3.12-rc-bullseye
COPY requirements.txt /app/
COPY /app/
COPY project/ /app/project/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["flask", "run", "--host", ""]

Now let’s commit our changes and push them to GitHub - replace John Doe and below with your actual full name and email address respectively:

git add .gitignore Dockerfile project/ requirements.txt tests/
export YOUR_FULL_NAME="John Doe"
git config --global "${YOUR_FULL_NAME}"
git config --global "${YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS}"
git commit -m "Add project files"
git push

Leave our application directory:


If you reload the page now, you should see the project files appear in your GitHub repository:

Project files pushed to GitHub repository

We now have a modular codebase and unit tests to verify the functional correctness of our microservice as well as a Dockerfile to build a container image from our app, which is good and all, but something is missing - we don’t (yet) have an automated workflow to run the unit tests for us and deploy it to our development and production environments provided the unit tests pass.

We can do better - let’s add in such a workflow for our development environment ;-)

Constructing a continuous deployment pipeline for our development environment

We’ll a build a continuous deployment pipeline for our development environment - recall that continuous deployment refers to the practice of automating the entire workflow of running unit and integration tests, building the container image and deploying the app to our environment on every source code commit, all without any form of manual intervention whatsoever.

But before that, make sure you have a personal access token (PAT) for your Docker Hub account which is required as part of the continuous deployment pipeline - in fact, let’s generate one now.

Log in to Docker Hub, select your username at the upper right hand corner and click “Account Settings”:

Docker Hub account settings

Now select the “Security” option to the left:

Docker Hub Settings > Security

Click “New Access Token”:

Docker Hub - Create a new access token

Now enter a suitable description for your token and change the access permissions to “Read, Write” since we won’t be deleting any images in our pipeline, then click “Generate”:

Docker Hub - Generate a new access token

Keep your access token somewhere safe since we’ll need to refer to it later. You may now log out of Docker Hub.

Back in our kind cluster, let’s create a dev namespace for hosting our development workloads:

kubectl create ns dev

Now we need to create a ServiceAccount with just enough privileges to manage Deployments in our dev namespace (in accordance with the principle of least privilege) for use in our continuous deployment pipeline, along with the other associated Kubernetes objects. In particular, we need to:

We’ll also create a Secret for Kubernetes to provide us a long-lived token representing our ServiceAccount so it doesn’t expire too quickly.

If you’re familiar with access control and management on public cloud platforms such as AWS or GCP, these Kubernetes objects roughly map to the following components in IAM:

Let’s go ahead and create them:

kubectl -n dev create role actions-dev \
    --verb=get \
    --verb=list \
    --verb=watch \
    --verb=create \
    --verb=update \
    --verb=patch \
    --verb=delete \
kubectl -n dev create sa actions-dev
kubectl -n dev create rolebinding actions-dev \
    --role=actions-dev \
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: actions-dev-secret
  namespace: dev
  annotations: actions-dev
export ACTIONS_DEV_TOKEN="$(kubectl -n dev get secret actions-dev-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d -)"

Now view our service account token and keep it somewhere safe since we’ll refer to it in a moment:


Time to define our development pipeline:

  1. On every commit to the repository, run the unit tests to ensure the functional correctness of our microservice
  2. Only if all the unit tests pass, build a container image for our microservice and push it to Docker Hub
  3. Only if the image build and push process was successful, (re-)create a Deployment in the dev namespace for our microservice

The YAML file defining our pipeline (and any other GitHub Actions workflows) resides in the .github/workflows/ directory - on every commit pushed to the upstream repository, GitHub automatically reads in all workflow files in that directory (if exists) and executes them as a collection of jobs.

Let’s enter our project directory again and create it with the commands below:

pushd flask-ping-server/
mkdir -p ./.github/workflows/
cat > ./.github/workflows/dev.yaml << EOF
name: Development workflow
run-name: Development workflow
on: [push]

    runs-on: self-hosted
      image: python:3.12-rc-bullseye
    - name: Check out repository code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Install pip requirements
      run: |
        pip install -r requirements.txt
    - name: Run unit tests
      run: |
        python3 -m pytest -v
    runs-on: self-hosted
    needs: [unit-tests]
    - name: Set up QEMU
      uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2
    - name: Set up Docker Buildx
      uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
    - name: Login to Docker Hub
      uses: docker/login-action@v2
        username: \${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
        password: \${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
    - name: Build and push
      uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
        push: true
        tags: \${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/flask-ping-server:latest
    runs-on: self-hosted
    needs: [image-build]
      image: ubuntu:22.04
    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget
        wget -qO "/usr/local/bin/kubectl"
        chmod +x "/usr/local/bin/kubectl"
        kubectl config set-cluster kind-actions-kind --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
        kubectl config set-credentials actions-dev --token="\${{ secrets.ACTIONS_DEV_TOKEN }}"
        kubectl config set-context actions-dev --user=actions-dev --cluster=kind-actions-kind --namespace=dev
        kubectl config use-context actions-dev
    - name: Deploy to dev namespace
      run: |
        kubectl create deploy flask-ping-server --image=\${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/flask-ping-server:latest --replicas=2 --port=5000 --dry-run=client -o yaml > flask-ping-server.yaml
        kubectl replace --force -f flask-ping-server.yaml

Before we commit this file and push it to our upstream repository, we’ll need to visit GitHub and add the following secrets to our repository so GitHub Actions can use them transparently and securely:

Ensure you are logged in to GitHub, then navigate to your flask-ping-server repository and select “Settings”:

Repository settings

Now select “Secrets and variables > Actions” under “Security” to the left:

Secrets and variables > Actions

Click on “New repository secret”:

New repository secret

Fill in DOCKERHUB_USERNAME for the name and enter your Docker Hub username for the secret itself and click “Add secret”:

Filling in a repository secret

Now repeat the action for the other two secrets we mentioned above. Once you’re done, you should see the following page:

Repository secrets added for GitHub Actions

Note that by design, even if you decide to edit your secrets afterwards, you cannot obtain their previous values - you can only update the secret with a completely new value.

Now we can safely commit our changes and push them to our upstream repository:

git add .github/
git commit -m "Add development pipeline"
git push

You may now leave our project directory:


Now visit the homepage for our project repository again - we should see a yellow circle next to our commit which indicates our continuous deployment pipeline is running:

Continuous deployment pipeline running

Wait a few minutes, maybe 10-15 minutes, then refresh the page and you should see the yellow circle replaced with a green checkmark:

Continuous deployment pipeline successful

Congratulations! This means that your continuous deployment pipeline has executed to completion and you should now see a Deployment named flask-ping-server created in our dev namespace:

kubectl -n dev get deploy

Sample output:

flask-ping-server   2/2     2            2           6m13s

In fact, let’s see it in action ;-)

Expose our Deployment with a Service:

kubectl -n dev expose deploy flask-ping-server --port=80 --target-port=5000

Now spin up a Pod with curl installed for testing our microservices:

kubectl run curlpod --image=curlimages/curl -- sleep infinity

And send a GET /ping/ request to our Service:

kubectl exec curlpod -- curl -s

Sample output:

{"message": "pong"}

Let’s also confirm that our microservice returns its version number correctly:

kubectl exec curlpod -- curl -s

Sample output:

{"version": "0.0.1"}

Excellent! Let’s now move on to our production pipeline, which will use continuous delivery instead of continuous deployment.

Constructing a continuous delivery pipeline for our production environment

Recall that the main difference between continuous deployment and continuous delivery is that the former is fully automated, but the latter introduces a “manual approval” step which serves as a buffer for management to decide which working version of our microservice to release to production as “stable”.

Again, we’ll create our prod namespace for production deployments:

kubectl create ns prod

Now create a Role, ServiceAccount and RoleBinding like we did for our development environment, and create a long-lived token via a Secret:

kubectl -n prod create role actions-prod \
    --verb=get \
    --verb=list \
    --verb=watch \
    --verb=create \
    --verb=update \
    --verb=patch \
    --verb=delete \
kubectl -n prod create sa actions-prod
kubectl -n prod create rolebinding actions-prod \
    --role=actions-prod \
kubectl apply -f - << EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: actions-prod-secret
  namespace: prod
  annotations: actions-prod
export ACTIONS_PROD_TOKEN="$(kubectl -n prod get secret actions-prod-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d -)"

Again, make note of our ServiceAccount token:


Now enter our project directory and create our production workflow YAML file:

pushd flask-ping-server/
cat > ./.github/workflows/prod.yaml << EOF
name: Production workflow
run-name: Production workflow
    types: [published]

    runs-on: self-hosted
      image: python:3.12-rc-bullseye
    - name: Check out repository code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Install pip requirements
      run: |
        pip install -r requirements.txt
    - name: Run unit tests
      run: |
        python3 -m pytest -v
    runs-on: self-hosted
    needs: [unit-tests]
    - name: Set up QEMU
      uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v2
    - name: Set up Docker Buildx
      uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
    - name: Login to Docker Hub
      uses: docker/login-action@v2
        username: \${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
        password: \${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
    - name: Build and push
      uses: docker/build-push-action@v4
        push: true
        tags: \${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/flask-ping-server:\${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}
    runs-on: self-hosted
    needs: [image-build]
      image: ubuntu:22.04
    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget
        wget -qO "/usr/local/bin/kubectl"
        chmod +x "/usr/local/bin/kubectl"
        kubectl config set-cluster kind-actions-kind --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
        kubectl config set-credentials actions-prod --token="\${{ secrets.ACTIONS_PROD_TOKEN }}"
        kubectl config set-context actions-prod --user=actions-prod --cluster=kind-actions-kind --namespace=prod
        kubectl config use-context actions-prod
    - name: Deploy to prod namespace
      run: |
        kubectl create deploy flask-ping-server --image=\${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}/flask-ping-server:\${{ github.event.release.tag_name }} --replicas=2 --port=5000 --dry-run=client -o yaml > flask-ping-server.yaml
        kubectl apply -f flask-ping-server.yaml

The main differences compared to our development workflow is as follows:

Again, before committing the changes and pushing them to the remote repository, make sure to add the ACTIONS_PROD_TOKEN secret to your GitHub repository.

Now commit and push the changes to our remote repository:

git add .github/
git commit -m "Add production pipeline"
git push

Feel free to leave our project directory for the last time:


You should still see the development pipeline triggered but not the production pipeline. That’s because our production pipeline is only triggered when we tag a commit as a stable release.

Development pipeline triggered but not production pipeline

Wait for our development pipeline to finish anyway. Once you see a green checkmark, proceed with creating a versioned release for our microservice.

To the right of the page, select “Create a new release”:

Create a new release

For “Choose a tag”, type in 0.0.1 and select “Create new tag: 0.0.1”:

Create new tag: 0.0.1

Fill in a suitable name and description for our release, then click “Publish release”:

Fill in details and publish release

Now go to the “Actions” tab from the homepage of our repository, and you should see our production pipeline queued for execution along with our development pipeline which was triggered again:

Production pipeline queued for execution along with development pipeline

After your production pipeline goes green, verify the results again in our cluster:

kubectl -n prod get deploy
kubectl -n prod expose deploy flask-ping-server --port=80 --target-port=5000
kubectl exec curlpod -- curl -s
kubectl exec curlpod -- curl -s

Concluding remarks and going further

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to DevOps, CI/CD pipelines and continuous delivery. While setting up this pipeline isn’t exactly trivial, we could do better by integrating security into our DevOps pipeline as a first-class citizen in order to protect your software delivery chain from software supply chain attacks - this concept is covered in detail in another blog post of mine: Securing your Kubernetes workloads with Sigstore

Stay tuned for more content and I hope to see you again in a future article ;-)

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