Date: 2025-01-19
The source code for this lab exercise is available on GitHub.
Apache Kafka (Kafka) is an open source event streaming platform governed by the vendor-neutral Apache Software Foundation. It is optimized for processing vast amounts of data in real time, focused on availability, reliability and scalability. At the heart of Kafka is the publish-subscribe (pub/sub) model, topics and messages, with producers writing (producing) messages to one or more topics and consumers reading (consuming) messages from one or more topics.
Kafka can be flexibly deployed to a wide variety of environments and is also available as a managed service by cloud service providers, e.g.:
Deploying on VM / bare metal requires extensive manual operation for deployment, scaling and upgrades and is difficult to manage at scale so it is not covered in this article. Leveraging a managed Kafka service alleviates the operational burden from Kafka users and developers but may introduce vendor-specific features and optimizations leading to vendor lock-in. Therefore, we’ll start with a reproducible deployment of Kafka on a single host with Docker Compose V2, then move forward to deploying Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi in the second half of the article and appreciate the automated deployment and lifecycle management of Kafka clusters it delivers. In a sense, Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi gives the best of both worlds - you get an experience similar to managed Kafka services but with the added benefits of being vendor-neutral and retaining control over your data.
Before we start, let’s take a quick overview of Kafka’s architecture.
Source: KRaft: Apache Kafka Without Zookeeper
Kafka clusters consist of controllers and brokers as illustrated by the diagram to the right. Controllers store Kafka metadata and manage the entire cluster, while brokers store messages in topic partitions and process write requests from producers as well as read requests from consumers. Kafka controllers are analogous to Kubernetes control plane nodes and brokers are analogous to worker nodes.
In the legacy Kafka architecture illustrated by the diagram to the left, Kafka clusters store their metadata in Apache Zookeeper and assign a Kafka broker as Zookeeper controller for interacting with Zookeeper. This configuration is deprecated and Zookeeper support will be removed in the upcoming 4.0 release.
This lab has been tested with Kubernetes v1.32 (Penelope).
Familiarity with Linux and Kubernetes is assumed. Otherwise, check out the courses below for a quick introduction or refresher.
A Linux environment with at least 2 vCPUs, 8GiB memory and sufficient available disk space capable of running Docker. This can be your own desktop/laptop if you’re a Linux user (like I am ;-), or a spare board (e.g. Raspberry Pi), physical server, virtual machine or cloud instance.
The reference environment is Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat) so if you’re on a different Linux distribution, adapt apt
-related commands with dnf
/ pacman
/ something else accordingly when installing system packages. Otherwise, the remaining instructions should be broadly applicable to most Linux distributions.
We’ll use Docker for 2 purposes:
Install Docker and Docker Compose V2, then add the current user to the docker
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y docker-compose-v2
sudo usermod -aG docker "${USER}"
Log out and in for the changes to take effect.
Check that we have the correct version of Docker installed:
docker version
Sample output:
Version: 26.1.3
API version: 1.45
Go version: go1.22.2
Git commit: 26.1.3-0ubuntu1~24.04.1
Built: Mon Oct 14 14:29:26 2024
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Context: default
Version: 26.1.3
API version: 1.45 (minimum version 1.24)
Go version: go1.22.2
Git commit: 26.1.3-0ubuntu1~24.04.1
Built: Mon Oct 14 14:29:26 2024
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
Version: 1.7.12
Version: 1.1.12-0ubuntu3.1
Version: 0.19.0
Check that the Docker Compose V2 plugin is installed:
docker compose version
Sample output:
Docker Compose version 2.27.1+ds1-0ubuntu1~24.04.1
Now install kind, kubectl and Helm for Kubernetes. To install kind, simply follow the instructions in their Quickstart:
# For AMD64 / x86_64
[ $(uname -m) = x86_64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind
# For ARM64
[ $(uname -m) = aarch64 ] && curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind
Check the correct kind version is installed:
kind version
Sample output:
kind v0.26.0 go1.23.4 linux/amd64
For kubectl, the official instructions will suffice:
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/.
Check that kubectl is correctly installed:
kubectl version --client
Sample output:
Client Version: v1.32.0
Kustomize Version: v5.5.0
For command-line completion, add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
source <(kubectl completion bash)
Now save the file and run:
source ~/.bashrc
Likewise, install Helm with the commands below:
tar xvf helm-v3.16.4-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
Check the Helm version:
helm version
Sample output:
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.16.4", GitCommit:"7877b45b63f95635153b29a42c0c2f4273ec45ca", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.22.7"}
Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
for command-line completion:
source <(helm completion bash)
Now save the file and run:
source ~/.bashrc
for load balancingkubernetes-sigs/cloud-provider-kind provides load-balancing capabilities for kind Kubernetes clusters, by automatically spinning up an Envoy proxy container for each LoadBalancer
service. The LoadBalancer
service is accessible only from the Docker host by default. Specify the -enable-lb-port-mapping
option to expose LoadBalancer
services externally, which opens a random high-numbered port on the Docker host for each port specified in the LoadBalancer
Download and install cloud-provider-kind
tar xvf cloud-provider-kind_0.5.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv cloud-provider-kind /usr/local/bin/cloud-provider-kind
An example systemd unit file cloud-provider-kind.service
to start and manage cloud-provider-kind
as a background daemon:
# /etc/systemd/system/cloud-provider-kind.service
Description=Cloud Provider Kind Service
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/cloud-provider-kind -enable-lb-port-mapping
Install the unit file to /etc/systemd/system/cloud-provider-kind.service
, then restart systemd, start the service and enable it to auto-start at system boot:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now cloud-provider-kind.service
Docker Compose V2 provides a convenient method of spinning up multiple related containers on a single Docker host using a compose.yaml
configuration file. If you’re familiar with Kubernetes, understanding Docker Compose should be a breeze and requires no introduction ;-)
Clone the sample repository for this lab and make it your working directory: DonaldKellett/kafka-kraft-1c1b
git clone
pushd kafka-kraft-1c1b/
Take a moment to inspect compose.yaml
and understand the configuration, then start the Kafka cluster with Compose:
docker compose up -d
Sample output:
[+] Running 3/3
✔ kafka-broker-0 Pulled 80.2s
✔ kafka-controller-0 Pulled 80.2s
✔ 69b14d9ee1f8 Pull complete 74.7s
[+] Running 3/3
✔ Network kafka-kraft-1c1b_app-tier Created 0.1s
✔ Container kafka-controller-0 St... 1.7s
✔ Container kafka-broker-0 Starte... 0.7s
Tip: the sample repo uses the bitnami/kafka image from Docker Hub.
Recall that Kafka messages are divided into topics. Producers write messages to a Kafka topic which can then be read by consumers from the same topic. Let’s create a new topic kafka-hello-world
with the
script bundled with Kafka on our controller by connecting to our broker:
docker exec kafka-controller-0 \
/opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ \
--bootstrap-server kafka-broker-0:9092 \
--create \
--topic kafka-hello-world
Sample output:
Created topic kafka-hello-world.
Now open a new terminal tab or window and run the
script on our controller to start listening for messages in the kafka-hello-world
topic. Keep the tab or window open and keep the script running - you should see no output for now.
docker exec -it kafka-controller-0 \
/opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ \
--bootstrap-server kafka-broker-0:9092 \
--topic kafka-hello-world \
Return to your original terminal tab or window and run the
script on our controller to start writing messages to the kafka-hello-world
topic. You should see an angular prompt >
within a few seconds:
docker exec -it kafka-controller-0 \
/opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ \
--bootstrap-server kafka-broker-0:9092 \
--topic kafka-hello-world
Write a few messages separated by newlines. For example:
>Hello World!
>This is my first Kafka cluster!
Now watch the messages appear in the consumer’s console. For example:
Hello World!
This is my first Kafka cluster!
Press Ctrl+C
on both terminal tabs or windows when done. You should also the following output printed to the consumer’s console:
Processed a total of 2 messages
Shut down the Kafka cluster and remove the containers:
docker compose down
Sample output:
[+] Running 3/3
✔ Container kafka-broker-0 Remove... 1.3s
✔ Container kafka-controller-0 Re... 0.7s
✔ Network kafka-kraft-1c1b_app-tier Removed 0.2s
Before we move on to Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi, here are a few exercises to consider if you would like to learn more about Kafka and how it works:
? Try starting and shutting down the Kafka cluster a few timescompose.yaml
file to introduce persistence so Kafka retains its topics and messages when it is shut down and restarted.compose.yaml
to manually scale the number of controllers to 3. Why does Kafka require an odd number of controllers for high availability?compose.yaml
to manually scale the number of brokers to 3 or above. Why is 3 the minimum recommended number of brokers for high availability?Clean up the repository as we won’t need it for our next section.
rm -rf kafka-kraft-1c1b/
Strimzi is an operator for running Kafka clusters on Kubernetes. It automates the deployment and lifecycle management of Kafka clusters so users and developers do not have to worry about which environment variables to set on each Kafka server or manually migrating each node in legacy Kafka clusters with Zookeeper to the modern, native Kafka Raft (KRaft) architecture. Strimzi was originally developed by Red Hat and is now a CNCF Incubating project.
Let’s prepare a private root CA. This will come in handy later.
The openssl
commands use to generate the certificates are explained in detail in my other blog post so they are presented without explanation here: Keycloak on Fedora Workstation with Podman | Fedora Magazine
Create our root CA certificate-key pair:
openssl req \
-x509 \
-new \
-nodes \
-keyout my-root-ca.key \
-sha256 \
-days 3650 \
-out my-root-ca.crt \
-subj '/CN=My root CA/DC=localhost'
Install the root CA certificate to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/my-root-ca.crt
and run update-ca-certificates
sudo cp my-root-ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/my-root-ca.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates
With kind, your Kubernetes cluster is 1 command away.
kind create cluster
We’ll expose our Strimzi Kafka cluster with Ingress. Install the ingress-nginx
controller with Helm and set it as default IngressClass. We’ll need to enable TLS passthrough as well for secure communication to our Strimzi Kafka clusters via Ingress since Kafka uses a custom binary protocol:
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm -n ingress-nginx install \
--create-namespace \
ingress-nginx \
ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--version 4.12.0 \
--set controller.ingressClassResource.default=true \
--set controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough=true
Get the LoadBalancer IP of our ingress controller with the command below:
kubectl -n ingress-nginx get svc \
ingress-nginx-controller \
-o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress.*.ip}'
Sample output:
Since the LoadBalancer IP is
in our case (yours might be different!), let’s create a TLS serving certificate for the IP address
and the following domains signed by our root CA:
Remember to adapt the domain name and IP address based on the LoadBalancer IP address you got in the previous step.
openssl req \
-new \
-newkey rsa:2048 \
-nodes \
-keyout strimzi-kafka.key \
-sha256 \
-out strimzi-kafka.csr \
-subj '/CN=Strimzi Kafka/DC=localhost' \
-addext ',,,,IP:' \
-addext 'basicConstraints=critical,CA:FALSE' \
-addext 'keyUsage=digitalSignature,keyEncipherment' \
-addext 'extendedKeyUsage=serverAuth'
openssl x509 \
-req \
-days 365 \
-in strimzi-kafka.csr \
-CA my-root-ca.crt \
-CAkey my-root-ca.key \
-out strimzi-kafka.crt \
-set_serial 01 \
-sha256 \
-copy_extensions copy
Let’s deploy the Strimzi operator with Helm and configure it to watch all namespaces. The Strimzi operator is responsible for managing Strimzi and Kafka related custom resources.
helm -n strimzi-kafka-operator install \
--create-namespace \
strimzi-kafka-operator \
oci:// \
--version 0.45.0 \
--set watchAnyNamespace=true
Wait for the operator to become ready.
kubectl -n strimzi-kafka-operator wait \
--for=condition=Ready \
pods \
-l name=strimzi-cluster-operator \
Sample output:
pod/strimzi-cluster-operator-76b947897f-np8t2 condition met
Create a namespace strimzi-kafka
for our Kafka cluster:
kubectl create ns strimzi-kafka
Now create a secret strimzi-kafka-cluster-tls
containing the TLS serving certificate and key we generated earlier, to be used for accessing our Strimzi Kafka cluster over TLS ingress.
kubectl -n strimzi-kafka create secret tls \
strimzi-kafka-cluster-tls \
--cert=strimzi-kafka.crt \
Save the YAML manifests below as strimzi-kafka-1c1b.yaml
. They include:
of 1 controllerKafkaNodePool
of 1 brokerKafka
cluster consisting of both node pools above---
kind: KafkaNodePool
name: strimzi-kafka-controller-node-pool
namespace: strimzi-kafka
labels: strimzi-kafka-cluster
replicas: 1
- controller
type: jbod
- id: 0
type: persistent-claim
size: 1Gi
deleteClaim: true
kraftMetadata: shared
kind: KafkaNodePool
name: strimzi-kafka-broker-node-pool
namespace: strimzi-kafka
labels: strimzi-kafka-cluster
replicas: 1
- broker
type: jbod
- id: 0
type: persistent-claim
size: 1Gi
deleteClaim: true
kraftMetadata: shared
kind: Kafka
name: strimzi-kafka-cluster
namespace: strimzi-kafka
annotations: enabled enabled
version: 3.9.0
metadataVersion: "3.9"
- name: plain
port: 9092
type: internal
tls: false
- name: tls
port: 9093
type: internal
tls: true
- name: external
port: 9094
type: ingress
tls: true
type: tls
certificate: tls.crt
key: tls.key
secretName: strimzi-kafka-cluster-tls
- broker: 0
class: nginx
offsets.topic.replication.factor: 1
transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 1
transaction.state.log.min.isr: 1
default.replication.factor: 1
min.insync.replicas: 1
topicOperator: {}
userOperator: {}
Remember to replace the DNS hostnames if your ingress controller LoadBalancer IP was different.
Apply the YAML manifests:
kubectl apply -f strimzi-kafka-1c1b.yaml
Wait for the strimzi-kafka-cluster
Kafka cluster to become ready.
kubectl -n strimzi-kafka wait \
--for=condition=Ready \
--timeout=300s \ \
Sample output: condition met
The Kafka controller, broker and entity operator pods are running:
kubectl -n strimzi-kafka get pods
Sample output:
strimzi-kafka-cluster-entity-operator-6b4bfc8c98-769fm 2/2 Running 0 11m
strimzi-kafka-cluster-strimzi-kafka-broker-node-pool-0 1/1 Running 0 12m
strimzi-kafka-cluster-strimzi-kafka-controller-node-pool-1 1/1 Running 0 12m
Observe that Ingress resources are created as well as per our Kafka configuration. This allows external clients to connect to our Strimzi Kafka cluster over TLS.
kubectl -n strimzi-kafka get ingress
Sample output:
strimzi-kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap nginx 80, 443 15m
strimzi-kafka-cluster-strimzi-kafka-broker-node-pool-0 nginx 80, 443 15m
Here are a few open-ended exercises for the interested reader:
to scram-sha-512
, oauth
or custom
. What other configuration changes are required for each authentication type? Can you make it work?KafkaTopic
custom resource. What advantages does KafkaTopic
bring over manually creating and managing topics from an external client?KafkaMirrorMaker2
and Kafka
manifests above to deploy a highly-available Strimzi Kafka cluster with 3 controllers and 3 brokers to a separate namespace strimzi-kafka-ha
. What changes are required for each custom resource, if any? Compare the changes to the Strimzi custom resources versus the compose.yaml
configuration file required to convert our Kafka clusters to an HA setupOnce you’re done experimenting, simply delete the cluster with a single command:
kind delete cluster
Kafka is an open source event streaming platform optimized for real-time data processing. While it supports many deployment options, we saw in this lab how the Strimzi operator enables us to deploy and manage Kafka in an automated fashion much like a managed service but with the added benefit of being vendor-neutral and retaining control over your data. Furthermore, the abstractions provided by Strimzi in the form of custom resources simplify non-trivial configuration options such as TLS and OAuth authentication for Kafka administrators.
I hope you enjoyed this article and stay tuned for more updates ;-)